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A Smelly Lounge No More

A Smelly Lounge No More

Electrodry has a healthy competitive culture among our technicians and so customer commendations are sent around the office for everyone to read and enjoy. Customer satisfaction is super important to all of us and we love it when we hear happy comments from satisfied customers. Check out one of our commendations for a technician in Canberra that prompted us to write this story.

“I had a couch covered in cat urine. Electrodry from Canberra came around to sort it out. I got a guy named …….. Not only did he somehow, (I'm pretty sure he used witchcraft), get the stains and due (?) out, but he somehow got the smell out too. The man is a champion. Gave us helpful tips to keep the smell out, and was way quicker than expected. He was so cheerful and a pleasure to have over. He mentioned you guys do mattresses as well. That'll be my next one I do. I appreciate all the hard work.”

The commendation was from a customer who had a lounge covered in cat urine. Our technician attended and treated the lounge so well that the customer emailed us to sing his praises. We rang the technician to find out some of the details.

It was our technician’s last job of the day. When the door opened he was hit in the face with the overpowering smell of cat urine. The cat had urinated on all 10 seats of the large brown micro-suede lounge and the smell had permeated the entire unit. The seats had a kind of glaze on them caused by grime and urine stains and the customer was desperate. Despite repeated attempts to remove the stains and the smell himself, he had given up and called Electrodry.

Our technician was galvanised by the challenge. He treated the lounge the way he would treat his own in the same circumstances.

Upholstery treatment included: 

  • A colour test to ensure that the treatment would not make the colour of the lounge run. 
  • A pre-spray solution with antibacterial and sanitisation properties that has a lavender fragrance to help remove the odours.
  • A specialised upholstery cleaning spray that removes grime and contains Healthguard. Healthguard is a strong sanitiser that removes bacteria, germs and fungi. It is the bacteria in the urine that causes the odour.
  • The upholstery spray was left to soak for 10 minutes.
  • Finally the Electrodry hot water extraction process rinsed the fabric and extracted the dirt, soils, stains and oils in one step, leaving the lounge almost dry.

The water that was extracted was so filthy it looked like gravy according to the technician! As he worked through the job he showed the customer everything he was doing. When he was finished they could no longer smell the urine and the lounge looked as clean as it did when it was new. The customer was overjoyed and the technician enjoyed an immense feeling of self-satisfaction knowing that he’d done such a good job.

Electrodry achieved an amazing result in this case. If the urine has penetrated deep in the padding of the lounge suite it is possible that the odour could return. If this occurs, Electrodry can treat the odour by injecting a specialised anti-microbial product into the affected areas.

When the customer heard that Electrodry does mattresses as well, he vowed to call us back soon to treat the mattresses in the home too. Apparently kitty has been busy on the beds too!! The moral of this story is that there is no need to put up with such nasty smells and stains. Electrodry has the tools and the knowledge to help you get the job done properly. Life is too short to spend it smelling of cat’s wee!!


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