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How to Kid Proof Your Carpet in 4 Steps

How to Kid Proof Your Carpet in 4 Steps

Published on January 21st, 2020

Ahh, school holidays. It’s several weeks in and now that Christmas and the excitement of the New Year has passed, the kids need constant entertaining and are leaving a trail of destruction around the house.

With increased foot traffic and more spills, your carpets are feeling the school holiday pain, too.

We have some great tips to kid-proof your carpet and help it to survive this time of year.

01 Buy a Rug or Two

It seems simple but placing a rug on your floors is an easy way to limit the impact on your expensive carpet.

02 Get the Vacuum Out Regularly

Here’s the bad news. You need to start vacuuming your carpet more regularly, particularly when the kids are hanging around at home more than usual.

The good news? Giving the carpet a once over every second day or so will keep it in great shape.

Your carpet usually only needs a thorough vacuum once a week but doing smaller ones regularly during busier times will help you stay on top of any dirt being dragged in.

Most primary school aged kids and older should be able to operate vacuum. Turn it into a game or a way (#bribe) for them to do a school holiday activity of their choosing if they vacuum their rooms first.

03 Bless Your Cotton Socks

There’s nothing wrong with asking your guests – and your children - to remove their shoes before they come into the house. Your carpet will thank you for it!

Make sure that socks are left on. Surprisingly, bare feet aren’t great for your carpet as your body oils are absorbed into the carpet fibres, making it easier for dirt and grime to stick to them.

Our feet shed skin into the carpet too, which attracts bacteria and dust mites, who love to feed on dead skin. Dust mite excrement contains toxins known to cause allergic or respiratory reactions, such as a runny nose, headaches and pesky coughs!

04 Be Smart about Stain Removal

As a rule, you should always tend to stains as quickly as possible, removing any excess substance first before attacking the spill.

Check out our stain removal guide, which should cover how to remove most stains. Our blog has many articles on a variety of different stains too – bookmark any relevant ones so that they are easy to find when a spill occurs!

While you’re cleaning, make sure you gently blot, not rub. Rubbing can damage your carpet and push the stain further into carpet fibres, making it tougher to remove.

Invest in a carpet protector to stop stains from sticking to carpet fibres. A good quality protector will prolong the life of your carpet and should include a sanitizing agent to protect against germs, bacteria and fungi.


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